
Ebony Wood

Ebony is defined as a really dark black color, or a dark wood from a tropical persimmon, or any tree that yields this defined as dark wood.
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Luxury Hand Crafted Pens From Exotic Wood - The Macassar Ebony Chapter

Macassar ebony is deserved consideration to be used as a luxury writing instrument pen body. to assist in determining its suitability for you, let's explore a number of its interesting features. We'll include background and history, characteristics, uses, and my personal experience working with this exotic wood.

Ebony may be a tree family that has several hundred species throughout the planet. Our focus is on Macassar ebony, scientific name Diospyros celebica. Its growth region is found throughout Indonesia, the Philippines, and parts of India. Ebony was prized in the past and used for furniture, moldings, and carvings.

Macassar ebony distinguishes itself from other sorts of ebony due to its color variations. Throughout its grain run streaks of cream, orange, and brownish-red patterns. These patterns are best described as random waves in an otherwise dark or black wood color. This particular variety is analogous to other ebony in terms of density. Most varieties have a selected gravity exceeding one, meaning that the majority samples are heavier than water.

Macassar ebony lends itself to a spread of artisan applications today. Partially due to the fascinating wave patterns described earlier, one beautiful application is for guitar bodies. Additionally, other wonderful creations are crafted like chess pieces, furniture inlay, luxury pen bodies, and other musical instruments. View a sample photo of Macassar ebony to the raised appreciation for its attractiveness to artisans.

My personal experience in working with Macassar ebony is mixed with curses and blessings. Its density and hardness insist that my turning tools be very sharp. Even with sharp gouges, care must be taken to avoid cracking or splitting the wood while shaping my pen bodies on the lathe. Also of concern is that the cutting dust. Less dense woods typically produce shavings or chips. Ebony, when machine cut, produces a powdery residue. Therefore a respirator or dust mask is important. On the blessing side, Macassar ebony reveals beautiful grain patterns and polishes brilliantly with a heat-activated polish.

Macassar ebony is one of many sorts of ebony. In spite of the challenges associated with shaping it with tools, it's remained a choice of craftsmen throughout time. The Macassar variety offers unique color variations and patterns deserve consideration. Its simple beauty and luster appeal to several.


Gaboon Ebony Wood - Magical Properties or Just Beautiful?

The history of this Dark wood often includes many references to its magical properties. Ebony wood has been utilized in the making of goblets for many years. Many thought it might be an anecdote for poisons that may exist within. it had been even used for the handles of Samurai swords, to supply greater power to the bearer. Today it's an exotic wood for turners and yes, the occasional magician...

Some customers use the gaboon ebony wood to form magical wands and have found a booming market with people who believe that it helps to focus their power. Others have created amulets to hold around their necks believing it gives them another level of protection.

But most folks just love the wood as a feature strip in our woodworking crafts. The Gaboon ebony is that the one member of the family that's generally a pure black with occasional reddy brown streaks. It adds a dramatic flair when laminated with other woods then turned to form bottle stoppers, napkin rings, knife handles and various sorts of jewelry.

I particularly love it as an edging strip on all my small boxes. Create a 1 piece wood box then route out a little quarter-inch square rabbet on all the corners.

The wood is so dense that your tools got to be especially sharp, on the other hand, cuts sort of a charm creating super fine dust particles. it's for this reason that wearing a dust mask to guard your lungs is particularly important, but the trouble is worthwhile once you see the amazing sheen it takes on with careful attention to finishing.

You do need to take special precautions in laminating it with other lighter woods to stop the transfer of a black film which will muddy the brightness of the neighborhood species. I do have a couple of suggestions on my website at thewoodbox.com.

I encourage you to feature gaboon ebony wood to your list of woods to undertake, if only in small quantities for jewelry or boxes. it's like no other and will get on every woody "to use" list.

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